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ans- The guy in the picture is jamie zawinski, who has claimed to have suggested the name mozilla and worked in nestcape till 1999. His contribution was significant to the classic netscape navigator 1.0, whose logo is given. the word mozilla was also used to codename the netscape navigator project. Jamie also encouraged the idea of the open source mozilla project which used to come under the netscape corporation ! The green lizard boxing is the mozilla mascot or so it was as it changed from its green to the new red colour !

cracks- Dhananjay.. iv copied his answer right off the comments


Dhananjay said…
the guy in the picture is jamie zawinski, who has claimed to have suggested the name mozilla and worked in nestcape till 1999. His contribution was significant to the classic netscape navigator 1.0, whose logo is given. the word mozilla was also used to codename the netscape navigator project. Jamie also encouraged the idea of the open source mozilla project which used to come under the netscape corporation ! The green lizard boxing is the mozilla mascot or so it was as it changed from its green to the new red colour !

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