QOTD 3 SpreeQuiz

Q. Connect...

the beatles were supposed to give voices for the 4 vultures (didnt happen) and also jungle book 2 is written by Rudyard Kipling who wrote a poem 'If' of which a line id inscribed on somewhere while entering the center court at wimbledon ... the line is : 'if u can meet triumph with disaster...'
The connect is rudyard kipling.

Cracks- Dhananjay.


DUMB GUY said…
past wimbledon winners performing as Beatles!!!
Dhananjay said…
sorry for the late reply but think that the connect is ...

the 4 vultures in the jungle book 2 were named after the beatles and the beatles were supposed to give their voices and also jungle book 2 is written by Rudyard Kipling who wrote a poem 'If' of which a line id inscribed on somewhere while entering the center court at wimbledon ... the line is : 'if u can meet triumph with disaster...' (whatever) so i think that is the connect but i'm not sure
Dhananjay said…
@ kuki : what connection does that have with the four vultures in the third pic...?
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