Q. Connect the 3 pictures . . . The first picture is that of investor billioanaire Prince Walid bin Talal, the first person to order an Airbus 380 for his personal use. The second pic is the logo of Air Canada - the Airbus affair, pertaining to allegations of secret commissions paid to members of the Government of Canada during the term of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, in exchange for then-crown corporation Air Canada's purchase of a large number of Airbus jets. The third picture is that of former Airbus and EADS CEO Noël Forgeard, who was a lot in the news recently made a 2.5 million Euro profit on the sale of EADS shares, as well as his children the next day for 4.2 million Euro, just weeks before news of Airbus A380 delays was released So the connection is AIRBUS ... !!!