Q. Whats so special about the car designs/models.... Inspiration???
(ps- Best pic i cud find!!)
ANS-> This is a Car designed by a NID student modeled on the
Q. Identify.... Sitter for those who are fans...
Ans-> Grrrr.... No LOTR fans...!!! .... This is Numenor...Middle Earth!!
Characteristic Star shape...Mount Meneltarma in the middle..!!?!
No takers for either questions..!!
(ps- Best pic i cud find!!)
ANS-> This is a Car designed by a NID student modeled on the
Q. Identify.... Sitter for those who are fans...
Ans-> Grrrr.... No LOTR fans...!!! .... This is Numenor...Middle Earth!!
Characteristic Star shape...Mount Meneltarma in the middle..!!?!
No takers for either questions..!!